Tuesday, June 11, 2013

VBS Day 2

Well, it happened.  Since I've started the blog I've come close to forgetting, but never actually missed a day.  This morning I realized that I completely forgot to post yesterday.  Sunday, as you know, was stressful, and then we started Vacation Bible School at church yesterday.  We have about 180 kids registered, from preschool-8th grade, and about 40-50 volunteers helping out for the week.  This is a "small" camp by this church's standards.  One year they had between 250 and 300 (depending on who you ask) campers, and people kind of expect it to be there again, although the volunteers don't mind the smaller numbers.  Since I've been director I've never managed to get more than 200 campers, so I guess I'm doing something wrong.  At any rate, it's a big camp to me, which  means my brain is going in a million different directions all of the time.  It's a week of very practical shoes for me, so here are some that I've been taking when I notice cute ones that the kiddos are wearing:

Clearly I'm gravitating toward Keenes and adorned flip flops this week.  I was wearing my Keenes yesterday, so that was maybe why.  The purple ones belong to a little girl who, along with her sister, always has adorable Keenes each year at VBS.  The following picture is actually one from 2 years ago (my first VBS here) with my foot and her sister's foot.  Notice the theme.

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