Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Sleep and No Sleep

My sleep schedule is all jacked up lately.  I don't know why, although there could be lots of reasons ranging from antibiotics to hormones to anxiety.  The night before last I didn't get to sleep until almost 5 in the morning.  I tried everything I could think of and nothing helped.  Last night I was then exhausted but still had trouble falling asleep.  I then forgot to set an alarm and didn't wake up until 10 this morning.  Sheesh.  Good thing I have a job with fairly flexible hours.  So today I thought I would look up shoes with a sleep theme, besides the obvious choice of slippers.  I was honestly expecting to find the Sleepy version of the Grumpy shoes I posted awhile back, but I couldn't find any.  I didn't even find the pair pictured in the post I linked to.  So no Sleepy shoes, but I did find a couple of cute options:

I think they are both adorable.  Now if only they could help me get my sleep back on track, I would be very very happy.

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