Thursday, July 11, 2013

Architectural Shoes

A friend of mine sent me this link recently.  It's an article about an architect who also designs shoes occasionally.  Such as this:

I find them both crazy and oddly compelling. And they come in different colors!

The lighting isn't terribly helpful, but here is a picture of someone actually wearing them in case you are like me and have a terrible time picturing it.

I don't particularly want a pair but I do find it fascinating that these were designed by an architect.  They are definitely visually interesting.  Go here if you want to read more about these shoes, and the architect, Zaha Hadid.  These shoes are from Melissa, who has worked with other architects.  Remember these?  There is a whole list of architects that they work with listed in the description.  It's all rather interesting, and more than a little strange.


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