Wednesday, July 10, 2013


OK, so you might be getting tired of the Harry Potter themed shoes, but there are just so many.  I've done the houses, so tonight I went in search of more general HP shoes and there are 8 kajillion of them.  No, really.

I didn't see a picture of these separately, although I'm sure I just didn't search hard enough, but even Nike got in on the house shoe act.

There are shoes with art work from the various book covers.
Ooooh...Marauder's Map shoes.  These are awesome.

Shoes with scary renditions of Harry, Ron, and Hermione.


Another in the series of sparkly pumps.  Ignore the other shoes that have nothing to do with HP.
But these are my favorite.  Yes, I realize they are rather childish and simple, but if you don't know Potter Puppet Pals then your life is a sad state of affairs.  Please let me help to remedy that:
Yes, naked Dumbledore.  Entertaining the nieces for more than half a decade.  You're welcome.
Today was a bit up and down.  I feel crappy, so that doesn't help.  Our yard guy asked the hubby this morning if I am pregnant.  Sigh.  NOT pregnant.  On the other hand, my father-in-law told the hubby this morning that he thinks the hubby picked the sweetest berry in the swamp.  Not the compliment I had ever expected, but my FIL loves me quite a lot, so I'll take being a swamp berry. :-)

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