Tuesday, July 30, 2013


We are home.  It was a long day.  It's not a bad drive, but we were both tired, so it felt longer.  At least for me, I won't speak for the hubby.  And of course once we got home there was the car to unload and mail to sort and the car to return, and all of those million little things that accompany returning from vacation.  So I am tired and I'm thinking it will be an early night.  I don't have much creativity tonight, so I'll post a picture I've gotten on facebook about 5 times now:

I've posted something similar before, but these have more variety.  They are almost too cute to eat.  I'm pretty sure I'm going to have to try to make some at some point.  But not tonight as all I will do is maybe dream about cupcakes.
Oh!  We stopped in Reno to use the bathroom and the hubby decided we should do the slots again.  I won $5!  And the hubby won $55.  Grrr....so then I broke the prearranged rules and spent the $5 I won out of annoyance.  But then I won $25!  Yay me!  It was awesome, we were able to fill the beast of a rental car before we returned it.  Good night, all.

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