Wednesday, July 31, 2013

LOTS of Catch-Up

I think I've mentioned before that one of the fun thing about coming home from vacation is catching up on all of the calendar pages I've missed out on.  I took pictures from July 19th, which was the day that was up on my church calendar.  Turns out when I started saving them I hadn't taken pictures since the 12th.  So there really should have been another week, here, but I think this is way more than plenty.  Ready?  Here we go!
Eh...I'm not a huge fan of the clear plastic.  Although, I did have some shoes as a kid that had clear plastic and I thought of them as my Cinderella glass slippers.  These not so much.

These are from the 40s, and while I like where they're trying to go, for me they are just a tiny bit off.

I know I've seen these in my searches for odd shoes.  These definitely qualify.

Not a fan.  They pretty much do nothing for me.

Of course these are from the 80s.  I have nothing new to say about this decade.

These...aren't boring?

Ugh...not the best the 90s had to offer.

These are from 1905.  I actually like them in a weird way.  They also look like the retro (retro) version of Sgt. Pepper.

80s again (I think).  Fine.  Not really floating my boat.

Like the color.  Not crazy about the shape.  Maybe I would like them better on.

Like the inventiveness of the spring-loaded heel.  Hate pretty much everything else about them.  Although, they actually look better in the picture than in real life.  In the picture I could downgrade them to a solid dislike.


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