Thursday, August 1, 2013


I'm feeling kind of blah tonight.  Sorry for the TMI, but I it's hormones.  I'm tired and moody and I kind of want to kick the hubby.  Not his fault.  Definitely hormones.  I decided to go on Pinterest and see what they had for shoes.  I've been on Pinterest for a few months now and I know I'm not using it as fully as I could.  I'll go poke around for awhile, but it gets overwhelming pretty quickly, at least for me.  So tonight I searched for shoes, and it might be because I am feeling blah, but I expected more.  There were lots of pictures, but not many jumped out at me, whether awesome, crazy, or just plain ugly.  I did find a few:
Love.  Want.
Love the color.  Like the concept, but I'm not sure this shoe is pulling off what it's going for.  They fall somewhat short for me.

Also love.  Also want.  Polka dots AND stripes!  How fun is that?

Just a little wisdom for your night.  Hope you have plenty of both, and that you are feeling anything but blah!


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