Tuesday, July 23, 2013

The Bean's Choices

Another good day with the fam.  I had coffee with my seester at the bistro this morning, which was lovely.  The hubby and I took AA, The Bean, Flower, Pippi, Tink, and Laughter on an adventure and had a lot of fun.  Mom, hubby, AA and The Bean and I had a movie night this evening and watched 42.  Good stuff.  While The Bean and I snuggled I asked her what kind of shoes she wanted to look up and she said, "crazy."  These are her choices from that category:

Yep.  Crazy.  I would agree with her choices.  In other news, I have eaten way too much this trip.  We took AA and The Bean for ice cream last night and part of our adventure involved ice cream today.  We had birthday cake last night, and popcorn tonight.  I'm already at my biggest, at this rate I'm going to blow right past that and none of my clothes will fit.  Again.


  1. I'm sure they would all be happy to take you to the pool and help you work it off. ME

  2. And the flipper shoes would be perfect for that!!
