Wednesday, August 7, 2013


So the crazy stress-related klutziness is happening again, and it seems to be worse than usual.  I have mysterious bruises (nothing new there), and I'm running into and tripping over things as usual, but I'm also back to breaking things.  Last time it was 2 lids and one of the hubby's dishes.  This time I can't even remember what started it, but I broke something (candle holder, maybe?).  A few weeks ago I came home and as I walked into the house a picture fell off the wall, knocked over a vase, which fell on and broke 2 candle holders.  Not my fault that time, but still scared the crap out of me.  On Sunday I picked a basket of fruit up off the table and managed to knock another 2 candle holders off so they shattered.  This morning I was cleaning the kitchen, picked up a pitcher, and apparently hit a bottle without meaning to.  I swear I didn't touch the damn thing, but down it went.  I think there's one more incident, but now I can't remember.  Apparently they're all blurring together and I'm blocking them.  I have swept up so much glass since moving into this house, it's not even funny.  I sweep and sweep and sweep and sweep some more, but I still find it every time I turn around.  If you ever come over please leave your shoes on so you don't cut your feet.
After my grumpy morning of sweeping glass I went to look at the calendar for today.
This picture elicited a series of thoughts:  "!  I know someone who would love this color!"  "These are hideous.  Hate the heel, hate the vinyl."  And then I looked at the date (1968) and immediately started picturing outfits.  Maybe something along these lines.

I can't get that top one to rotate.  Just turn  your head to the side.  After picturing the boots with possible outfits, then I decided that yes, of course I would put these in my imaginary shoe closet, in the 60s wing.  I'd also put that 2nd outfit in there.  Totally retro and cute.



  1. Outfit 1 is better but the boots might have to be more limey! ME

    1. I know the colors aren't right, but they were the best I could find (in my less-than-thorough research). It's more for the idea, rather than the exact right match.
