Thursday, August 8, 2013


I know I've lived here for 3 years now so it should be getting better, but the school schedule still confuses me.  School started here on July 26th, which is crazy early.  So school is going, the church preschool started the following week, we are doing all kind of Fall programming stuff at church.  But it's only August 8th.  Some schools don't start for another month.  My brain keeps thinking it's Fall, and then I look at the calendar and remember it's actually Summer.  I read things on Facebook and wonder, why aren't those kids in school?  Oh right...they don't have our crazy early schedule.
When I was little we would go back-to-school shopping, which meant several new combinations of outfits for the new year.  My poor mom had to deal with my whiney self, but I loved getting new clothes, and planning which outfit I would wear for the first day of school.  Whenever I ask the nieces what they are wearing for the first day they usually respond that they don't know yet, haven't thought about it.  WHAT???  How can you not have that planned?  Apparently this is just one more example of how I was a weird child.  I can't actually think of any of the outfits that I wore for a first day, but I do know they were awesome and fashionable (at least in my own head).
Things I remember about shoes growing up:  When I was getting ready to go into Kindergarten the teacher told me I needed to learn to tie my own shoes.  Apparently I informed her that I needed to do no such thing because I would just wear my buckle shoes.  They would have looked something like this:
I generally had a pair of white or black Mary Janes for dress shoes.  Of course, kids now wouldn't have to worry about buckles as they have Velcro.  I remember when Velcro shoes became popular.  They were definitely boxier than they are now.
But they were oh-so-cool.  No laces!  Cool ripping noise!  The above were not my shoes.  Again, I can't remember exactly what my Velcro shoes might have looked like.  I had a wonderful childhood, and have still managed to block large chunks of it.  I do remember jelly shoes, though!
I had a purple pair during the phase when purple was my favorite color.  And I think I wore them with purple corduroy pants?  Looking back that seems like an un-seasonal combination, but I was a stubborn kid.  In fact, I think it was a whole purple outfit:  purple jellies, purple corduroy pants, and a purple eyelet shirt that my mom made me.  The shirt was belted, of course.  I'll have to go look and see if I can find a picture of that particular combination.
Anyway, whenever you start back to school, I hope you or your kids or nieces or nephews have an outfit already planned.  Oh, and maybe buy some school supplies.  Whatever.


  1. Your nieces haven't even gone shopping yet and I'm not sure we're even going to make it. It will have to be next Sat. or not until after school starts. Your buckle shoes that year were black and your attitude was definitely sassy. "I don't care, I'll just wear my buckle shoes!" I remember all the pieces but don't remember them as an outfit. Do remember the eyelet shirt with the white eyelet jumper and the jelly shoes. ME

    1. Yes! I loved that outfit. I know when I fainted the one time I woke up starting at my jelly shoes, and in my memory I'm wearing the outfit I described above. But why would I have been wearing cords in summer?
