Thursday, September 19, 2013

Arrrr, Matey!

If you have been on facebook today, then you know that it's National Talk Like a Pirate Day.  This cracks me up.  I  have no idea what people do to celebrate this day except, of course, go around talking like a pirate.  You probably know how I will celebrate; by looking at shoes!  In this case, pirate boots.

Apparently what makes a boot a pirate boot is if it has buckles, ties, or folds.  At least according the image search I did.  So, Happy Talk Like a Pirate Day!  Wear some boots, talk with a funny accent, get a parrot!
Oh, to follow up from yesterday's post, my mom found the book.  It's called The Purple Snail, by Katherine Lewis.  Even with that information, I still could find next to nothing on the book, and no images.  Mom is sending me the book, really does exist.

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