Wednesday, September 18, 2013


Today our worship and music director and I were having a conversation about crochet patterns.  She googled a certain kind of crochet toy, and up popped all of these images of super tiny crocheted things.  Here is an example:
This is seriously teeny tiny.  Anyway, it led to a conversation about how I should make one of these and it could go along with the book about the snail and his shell.  She was actually referring to this book,
but it made me think of a different book from my childhood about a snail.  Of course, I couldn't think of what it was called.  We searched for it (although not knowing the title or the author, it was more difficult) but didn't find it.  So I called my mom and asked her about it.  She thought it was called Peppermint, or possibly Purplemint, because the snail has a peppermint shell but ends up with purple paint on it.  So I looked some more and still couldn't find it.  The internet, and my brain, failed me today. Mom is going to look and see if it is still in the shoe box at her house. 
You know, of course, that this then led to more searching, this time for shoes...
OK, this is not shoes.  But it goes with the theme.  Still not from the book, though.
These are taking a theme just a little too far.

I love these, though.   Very festive, but in a somewhat more subtle way.

Cute, but also a little too themed.  You could definitely wear them around Christmas.  With some kind of horrible Peppermint holiday sweater!

I know, I'm sorry.  They were just too cute to resist!  I think my hormones are trying to tell me something.  They need to be telling the hubby, though, not me.


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