Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Black...and Black

OK, I confess....I'm writing this during an all-boards meeting.  Don't tell the senior pastor.  I actually pay better attention and am much better behaved when I have something to do while I sit in meetings.  Usually I crochet.  Tonight I'm writing a blog entry.  So, I actually remembered it was Tuesday in time to ask someone for a number. Today's number comes from the BFF who gave me 321.  Without further ado, here is page 321 from the handbags book:
OK. It's black, it's simple, but it's got some nice detailing.  Probably wouldn't jump out at me from a pile of handbags, but I do like the sparkle.
The shoe book also provided black today:
Well, mostly black. That clear mesh is a little odd.  Although, I'm not thinking of the crazy socks you could wear with these boots for a little fun and goofiness.
I wear a lot of black because of my clerical collars.  My shoes are where I bring in some color.  So while I have  few pairs of black shoes, I'd rather buy pretty, colorful ones.  But, since today's theme is black, I went looking for black shoes. 


Black doesn't have to mean boring.  Details are always fun.  I still prefer a bit more color, but black shoes definitely have their place.


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