Sunday, September 8, 2013

God's Work, Our Hands

Today was God's Work, Our Hands Sunday, the day we celebrated the 25th anniversary of the merger that created the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA).  I won't bore you with a bunch of Lutheran history, but there were 2 groups of Lutheran churches that decided to merge into one national body.  I was in 7th grade at the time and didn't realize anything had even happened...  Anyway, as part of the celebration churches all across the country went out into their communities to do service projects as a way of sharing God's love with our neighbors.  We all got to wear these shirts:

Every picture I've seen shows the shirt as a different hue of yellow.  I'm not sure what it would actually be called.  Goldenrod, maybe?  They've got more orange in them then it looks like in these pictures.  So I wore my t-shirt for church as well as service projects, which meant I needed to find shoes to go with it (I wore flats for the actual service, I'm not entirely crazy).  It was no easy task.  I could have just gone with black, but where's the fun/challenge in that?
My first thought was gold.  They don't look too bad, here, but in reality they didn't go at all.
I didn't think these would be right, and I was correct in that assumption.  Totally wrong yellow.
Out of desperation I even tried coral.  You can imagine how that went.
Finally I pulled these out and surprisingly, we had a winner!  The yellow in the shoes is a fairly close match to the shirts, and from a distance I thought it looked pretty good.  I'm guessing no one else in the ELCA had quite such fabulous shoes...


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