Thursday, September 26, 2013

Still Jealous

So of course yesterday after I wrote the post for my sister's birthday, I had to go on a search to see if I get any shoes with my name.  Not so much.  When I did an image search, mostly what came up were pictures of Sarah Jessica Parker's shoes.  Which makes sense considering how much her character loved shoes on Sex in the City.  I did find these (sorry, I couldn't save a picture), which are OK, but my sister definitely got the better end of the shoe/name deal.  Sigh...older sisters ALWAYS get the best stuff!
In other news, one of my parishioners saw this in a magazine and ripped out the page so she could bring it to me:
Now THAT is a shoe closet.  I'd need a ladder to reach the top shelves, but I think I could live with that.  Or, we could put the hubby's shoes up there.  I think this is what I will ask for for Christmas...

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