Saturday, October 5, 2013

Advent in October

We hosted a synod Advent workshop at the church today.  There was worship, a keynote speaker, and various workshops designed to get pastors, staff, and lay people thinking about and planning for Advent worships.  I can't believe it didn't occur to me to wear one of my pair of blue shoes.  Whatever was I thinking?  Instead I wore shoes that I think are cute, but are pretty boring in the grand scheme of things:
Practical, yes, but not up to my usual church standards.  The BSF, on the other hand, totally rocked the shoe department, as per usual.
Adorable sandals!

And they're wedges!  She was one of the people who helped set up and organize the event, and she did a great job like always.  Go, BSF!
Our worship and music director was also wearing her cute sandals today.
She wears these a lot, and I always think they're cute, but I never remember to take a picture of them.  I actually took this during worship.  Shhhh...don't tell anyone.
There were several other cute pairs of shoes that I noticed throughout the day, but I was good and didn't freak people out by asking to take pictures of their feet.  I also didn't do any ninja photography moves to sneakily get their shoes.  See?  I can occasionally be well-behaved.

1 comment:

  1. I like your shoes, they remind me of fall. ME
