Sunday, October 6, 2013

Book 5

I got my technical difficulties sorted last week and was able to finish Goblet of Fire and move on to The Order of the Phoenix.

This is my least favorite book of the series.  It's the point when things really start turning dark, but the reason I dislike this book so much is because everyone is cranky/snarky/grumpy, and Harry is just angry and pissy the entire book.  There are mitigating circumstances for this, but it still makes the book hard to get through.  There are parts I still enjoy, but they mostly tend to happen toward the end, so I still need to slog through to get them.  Oh well.  Even my least favorite book in this series is still way better than any number of other books I've read.
So, since there aren't a lot of things I really enjoy, we're just going to use the title, and look at shoes with a phoenix theme:

Pretty!  I'm not sure about the shape of this particular shape, but I really like the material.

These are kind of crazy, but they definitely go with a theme; there's even fire shooting up the sides.  Not sure if that's fire or something else on the soles, though.

Boots!  These look like they also have a dragon theme.  Or maybe they only have a dragon theme, and they came up anyway in my phoenix search.

Oh my goodness.  Wow.  That's...busy?  There is definitely have a LOT going on here.  Can you imagine if I were to wear these to church?

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