Friday, October 11, 2013

Made It!

Ahhhh...survived another camp.  I was thinking that during VBS, when we had 175 kids, I wrote an entry every day.  This camp, with only 42 kids, I missed 2 days.  This week was just crazy, and I'm not even really sure why.  The kids were basically good, just a few of the usual dramas.  I had a few minor incidents, and one rather major one with my volunteers, but I was just exhausted this week.  Anyway, today was a fairly good day despite a serious lack of help.  We made it through, and the kids were only slightly squirrely because it was Friday.  So here are a few random tidbits from the week:
On Wednesday the crafts volunteer and I wore our silly, stripy, Halloween socks.  We forgot to get a picture together, but here are my feet and the feet of one of the campers, who also had awesome socks.
The hubby was less than impressed with my choice of socks.  But all the kids thought they were hilarious and awesome.
My Pinterest friend has made it her mission to find me fun/crazy shoes.  Here are the ones she sent me this week:
I like the stripy heel.  And who can resist red sparkles?  These are just calling out for a fabulous Halloween outfit.

OK, I actually like these. They're weird, and I have no idea what I would wear them with, but I still like them.

These are fine.  I don't have any strong feelings either way. They are cute enough, and of course I like that they are blue.
I've posted these before, but I couldn't find a picture of just the shoe.  Apparently I should have been looking on Pinterest.
On a final note.  I stole this from a friend on facebook.
It's Tink, but since it doesn't show her face, I thought it would be OK to share.  I know it doesn't have anything to do with shoes, but how stinkin' cute is this picture?  It makes me smile.

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