Monday, October 7, 2013


Today was the first day of Sports Camp.  It's a small camp, comparatively speaking.  "Only" 42 kids registered.  Most churches would be thrilled with a number like that, but when you compare it to the almost 200 we had at VBS, its definitely on the small side.  Which I am OK with.  It's a good group of kiddos, but today was not without its stress.  For Sports Camp we rent the fields of the elementary school across the street from the church, but for some reason no one unlocked the gate today.  We tried to contact someone, but no luck.  So I had to quickly come up with alternatives to 3 of my 6 rotations, finding space for them, and figuring out what to do in the space available.  It all worked out, but it definitely stressed me out.  Now I am tired.  Camps always wear me out, especially the first day, because I run so much.  I feel like I don't sit down much.  I always say I should get a pedometer just to see how far I walk during one of these days.  Anyway, I was running so much today that I didn't even take pictures of shoes or come up with anything creative for this post.  Thankfully I have awesome friends who send me stuff!
A friend on Pinterest sent me these and I like them, even though I feel like I shouldn't.  The shape is adorable, but those colors should not go together.  They don't go together, and yet, I still like these.  Maybe I really am tired.  Thoughts?

1 comment:

  1. I like them and I'm also surprised. I usually don't like pink but it somehow works. I also love the green
