Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Over Half-Way

We are now 3/5 of the way done with camp week (not that I'm counting or anything).  This is the smallest camp I've ever run at St. Someone's and yet for some reason it is totally kicking my rear-end more than usual.  Yesterday was a 13+ hour day and by the time I ran errands it was 9:30 before I got home.  Today was only a 12 hour day, so yay me!  The kids are good, but there have been little things all week that have been stressing me out.  We finally got the one really big one taken care of yesterday, but not before it caused me to have a minor melt-down in the hallway before opening worship.  Today was Wednesday, which is always the craziest day for the kids.  It was all-over 3rd and 4th grade girl drama; they were just catty and bratty.  I think I had complaints from every single person who worked with them.  Here's hoping they are better tomorrow.  But for every crazy moment, there are also sweet moments.  Today, out of the blue, one of the little guys who has been misbehaving and driving me a little crazy all week, ran up to me, gave me a giant hug, and said, "I'm really going to miss you next week when I don't get to see you anymore."   Awwww....heart melting.
Anyway, on Monday when I posted the pin from my Pinterest friend I totally spaced posting what one of my former youth group kids posted on my wall:
I'm pretty sure it's a magazine?  I clearly have to go find this.  She said she saw it at WalGreens...I will have to go look.  I love the subtitle:  The HISTORY and the PASSION.  OK, so those are my emphases, but doesn't it just sound like a soap opera about shoes?  I also love that she got her own shoe in the picture.
In other news:  Yesterday was the anniversary of Flower's baptism!
Today is my daddy's birthday!  (He loves Elvis...Elvis is not my father)
Since it's my dad's birthday, that also means it's John Lennon's birthday!  My favorite Beatle!
And now I must sleep so I can go back to camp and try not to have any melt-downs.

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