Sunday, December 8, 2013

Advent 2

Today is the 2nd Sunday of Advent, so a second pair of blue shoes:

Advent means the paraments are blue, so I get to wear my favorite chasuble.  If only I could wear it for more than just a 4 week season.

These were my very first pair of Advent shoes.  I bought them 5 or 6 years ago, and I still love them.  I probably would have worn them for my wedding if I hadn't gotten the pair that was dyed to match my sash.

And here are my new pretty toes.  You can't tell from the picture, but they are purply-blue and sparkly.  I think they look very Advent-y.  SKD says they look like the skies over the nativity.

Today was another busy day.  After church I had a luncheon with the Octegenarians at church, and then went to an open house baby shower celebration. These are the shoes I made.  I didn't think about it when I made them, but they are quite Advent-y themselves.  I tried a different pattern than the first pair, and they turned out OK.
Pedro is once again modeling the hat I made for the baby.  Isn't he just so cute?  Don't worry, I've since made him a Thanksgiving hat and a Christmas hat, so he won't be jealous of the babies...

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