Monday, December 9, 2013

Santa and Baby Jesus

Yesterday after the busy day I went home and took a lovely nap.  Then, since the hubby was still at the baseball game I decided to watch the Christmas  movie he doesn't particularly care for:  The Santa Clause.  Actually it's a trilogy, and I made it through the first 2 before he got home.  While I watched I wrapped 13 Christmas presents (seemed like so much more while I was doing it),folded laundry, then crocheted some.  So it was relaxing and productive.  Clearly this calls for Santa shoes:
These are hilarious to me.  I think they kind of have to be worn with skinny jeans so you could see Santa.  That leaves me out.

Christmas slippers!  Yay!

I have no idea what is going on here.  I think it's a cartoon?  Still cracks me up.

These are totally dorky, but look how happy Santa is.  That smile makes me smile.

These are fun in a once a year kitschy kind of way.

These are a little too over the top for me even in a once a year kitschy kind of way.

Obligatory baby shoe. :-)
On a different note, today I was sitting in my office when I realized how funny this shelf is.
The shoe table is currently housing the shoe tree, so the tape dispensers got shoved onto the shelf with my angels.  Baby Jesus lives in my office until Christmas Eve when he goes into the manger in the sanctuary.  This picture in some ways sums up my life.

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