Saturday, December 7, 2013


In some ways I can't believe it's already December 7th.  Time flies!  In other ways, how can it only be December 7th?  I feel like I've done a ton of December stuff already.  Time is weird.  It was a good day, though.  The hubby and I took SKD out for breakfast and then she and I had our toes done.  I'd show you, but my feet are currently encased in tights and I'm not willing to strip down to take a picture.  Sorry.  Anyhoo, then I was home for a couple of hours, the hubby and I ran an errand, and then I drove to church for the Christmas dinner fundraiser that the Youth put on.  It was nice, good group of people, lots of fun stuff for the raffle items.  I'm ready for bed, though.  December is tiring, y'all.  Since this is post kind of about time, I thought I'd give you the week's calendar offerings:
I like these.  I think I might like them better if the heel weren't patterned, but that's a minor detail.

Really like these.  They are from 1885, which only makes them cooler to me.

And then the 90s had to come in and ruin things with a slingback.  These are fine, they just remind me that I am bitter over not being able to wear slingbacks.

80s boots.  Yikes.

Stripes!  From the 60s.

These are my favorite of the week!  They are from 1925 and for once I'm actually glad I get to look at the same shoe for 2 days.  Usually they put the most god-awful ones on the weekend.  So rude.
Happy Saturday night.  Off to bed now.

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