Sunday, December 15, 2013

Advent 3

We're getting closer!  3 out of 4 candles are now lit.  I decided it was time to finally be liturgically correct and put the pink candle in the wreath.  I always get excited about buying pretty blue ribbon and space out the pink.  But I had some pink at church and thought I would add it this year.  Pink is for week 3, which is Joy.
These are my new blue Advent boots.  This is the first Sunday I've worn them, but I have been wearing them on the Wednesdays in Advent.  I love that they are blue, of course, but they also have almost no heel, which means I can wear them all day and still be comfortable.  I forgot to take a picture while I was wearing them and now I'm too tired to go take my own photo, so this is the one from Amazon, which is where I ordered them.
Speaking of being tired...holy buckets.  Last night was our Christmas party.  Tate counted around 70 people who were all crammed into our house.  It was really fun, but I left about 11:45 and went to the hotel so I could get some sleep.  Today I had 2 worship services, as usual.  We also had our Sunday School Christmas Program between services.  The kids were really cute.  One of them wasn't able to make it, so I got to participate this year as one of the characters.  After church I had a funeral.  I was so tired after I could barely see straight.  Thank goodness for Sunday afternoon naps.  I'm still exhausted, as is the hubby.  I didn't get any pictures of shoes last night, but here are some Christmas Party shoes I found:
These are oddly cute.  I'm not sure they are me, but they are sparkly and festive, which is good for this time of year.

These are weird.  The heel looks like those beads you buy for silly Christmas ornaments.  Very cheesy.

I looooove these.  Obviously because they are blue, but they are just so pretty and elegant (2 things I don't really associate with myself, but I girl can dream, right?).

And finally a collection so you can have a variety. 

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