Tuesday, December 17, 2013


I know it's getting closer to Christmas, but the calendar chose an odd way to express it's holiday spirit:
At first I thought they were maybe from the 60s, and even thought they're still crazy, I maybe could have been OK with them.  Nope.  These are from 2005, and they are officially hideous.  What the heck?  Who would wear these?
Thankfully I was recently given a gift that will help to cleans our collective palates.

Towels!  Shoe towels!  Christmas shoe towels!  The same parishioner who gave me the 6 ornaments for the shoe tree also gave me these.  How cool are they?  How cool is she?
Today the December panic kicked in.  I've gotten a LOT accomplished, but the next week is going to be crazy busy.  It will all get done, and everything will be fine, but I'm at that point where I'm staring everything down and trying not to hyperventilate.  Good times.

1 comment:

  1. Some crazy wanna be elf would probably love those boots. ME
