Saturday, December 14, 2013

Christmas Pageant

The Sunday School Christmas Pageant is tomorrow, so this morning was the final rehearsal.  In case you were wondering, I will be playing the role of "Ima Gossip" (unless the kid who is supposed to play the role shows up tomorrow, in which case I just get to watch).  The play will be adorable and lovely tomorrow they always are.  Today the kids were whiny, distracted, wiggly, and kept jumping off the stage.  They always do.  I decided to do an image search for nativity shoes and I'm extremely grateful not much showed up.
I expected more of this, and while I don't hate this shoe, I'm just not sure the birth of Jesus is something we need to be depicting on our footwear.  I could be absolutely wrong.  (I'm not wrong)  I'm so confused.  Why are they on the stairs?  Why are they surrounded by ugly shoes?  Why?  So many thoughts and questions.

OK, these really don't have anything to do with the nativity, but I thought they were sweet.  Who doesn't need this reminder as they stare at their feet?
Short and sweet (?) today.  I'm off to get ready for the hubby's Christmas party tonight.  OK, technically it's "our" party as it's at our house, but it's really his baby.  I'm just there to look awkward and do my best to be a hostess (which for me involves a lot of unloading, loading, and running the dishwasher...)

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