Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Blue Christmas

December continues apace.  This morning the hubby had a miserable, 2 hour dental visit for a deep cleaning.  Poor guy.  I sat in the waiting room and read and worked on a sermon so I could drive him home.  I had to run to Target after I got him home to pick up his prescription, and of course it hadn't been called in yet, so I had to wander around for a half an hour.  Don't get me wrong, I love Target, but I had to implement really good boundaries so I wouldn't buy a bunch of stuff I didn't need.  I didn't get to church until something crazy like 1:30.  Tonight was our Blue Christmas service.  The sr. pastor usually preaches this one, but I got it this year.  My sermon was not good.  My apologies to those who attended who were hoping for better.  Since it was blue Christmas, naturally we need some blue Christmas shoes:
3 things I love:  baby shoes, blue, and snowmen!

Shoe gift tags!  Do those look blue to you?  They seemed bluer when I saved the picture. Now they seem more seafoam green.

More blue snowman shoes! shoe tree doesn't have any blue ornaments...would someone like to remedy that?

See above.
And because you can't talk about Blue Christmas without Elvis:

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