Tuesday, December 10, 2013

This and That

I got sidetracked today and didn't post.  Now it's late, I'm tired, and my battery is getting low.  I suppose I could just skip tonight, but instead I'm going to take a break from the Christmas-y posts and give you some odds and ends I have saved in my shoe folder:
Double A loves butterflies.  She's not a big fan of heels, though.  I think these are really cool in a slightly crazy sort of way.

I have no idea.  A rose?  Modern art sculpture?  That green leafy/viney detail does not look comfortable, but I think these are also kind of cool.

The Pinterest Friend loves owls, and sent me this.  We both agreed this shoe might not be the best way to express her love.

These are fro SBP.  I just now noticed the money, which is kind of stupid (unless it's reminding you how much you'll have to shell out), but I liked the basicness of these.  Not terribly fond of the execution of this particular hidden platform, though.
There you go:  your hodge podge for the evening.  Good night, all!