Thursday, December 12, 2013


Can December be over now?  I'm sneaking in this post now only because no one showed up for my 5:00 bible study, giving me a few minutes to type like crazy.  It's been another busy day.  I actually got a lot done today, probably because I went into panic mode this morning and started feverishly crossing things off my to-do list.  Tonight I was supposed to have bible study from 5-6, dinner starting at 5:30 and the preschool Christmas pageant starting at 6.  So I'll be leaving the pageant early and getting to the dinner late.  Sigh.  Anyhoo, it's a clergy shirt day for sure, so I'm pairing it with a black skirt, red scarf, and these boots:
Pretty basic black, low-heeled boots, right?  Mostly right.  These have some little surprises that I appreciate.
They have fun buckles, and kind of look like pirate boots.  Sorry about the quality.  I always forget that the room in the church with the full length mirror has absolutely terrible lighting.  I should have asked someone else to take the pictures.
They also have red zippers!  Frankly, these are about as bad-ass as I get in my life, so I like to pretend they are my biker-chick boots.  I will say, though, that no one really expects these particular boots to be paired with a clerical collar, so it's kind of fun.
Speaking of boots, the calendar also had some today.
They look two-tone here, but in the original picture they actually show that it's just a black stripe running down the middle.  I really like these.  And they are from the 80s.  Can you believe I'm saying something positive about shoes from the 80s that's not tinged with a little bit of snark?
OK, too much time spent here.  Preschoolers are assembling as I type, and I must go bask in their adorableness!

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