Friday, December 13, 2013

Christmas Party

Oooooh....barely sliding this one in under the wire.  It was long day.  Laundry, errands, cleaning, repeat.  Then we got ready and headed for the church Christmas party and proceeded to get stuck in absolutely horrible traffic.  Thank goodness for GPS and alternate route because we went about 3 miles in 45 minutes and probably cut another hour off with the GPS.  The staff party was fun, with dinner, and ornament exchange and the singing of Christmas carols.  I looooove singing Christmas carols.  Apparently I take it a bit too seriously though, as there was much extraneous singing throughout (AHEM, parish administer and Pinterest Friend...).  Oh well, I still enjoyed it.  In honor of the singing, here are some musically inspired shoes:
See?  Shoes have a theme for just about anything!

These are scary.  Why are they staring at me?

Same as the first, only in red.  And a different angle.  (I'm tired, cut me some slack on the witty banter)

Comfy musical shoes!  Wonder what the music is?

Also wonder on these.  Someone play it and tell me.  I could, but I'm nowhere near a piano at the moment.

Oh!  Here's one...


  1. I must be anti-music because none of those shoes appealed to me. ME
