Friday, December 6, 2013

Movie Marathon!

SKD is coming tonight for our 2nd annual Christmas movie marathon and slumber party.  I'm making pizza and we will watch White Christmas and then whatever else catches our fancy.  So excited!  I have been cleaning and decorating all day so we can be appropriately festive.  In honor of tonight, here are green Christmas shoes (because green is SKD's favorite color):

Oooh...festive working out shoes.  To work off all the pizza and wine calories.

Another card! Ugly shoes as shoes, but cute for the card. elf booties.

I would make one of each and make them a pair.  Mix and match booties!

OK, apparently either green Christmas shoes are more popular for babies, or I was only seeing baby shoes tonight.  Could go either way, really.
And now I must go finish the pizza so I can hang out in sweats and Christmas socks and watch movies with a friend!

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