Thursday, December 5, 2013

Shoe Cards

After yesterday's post about my (adorable, if I do say so myself) Shoe Christmas Tree, the Pinterest Friend sent me a pin:
Another shoe tree!  And this one is a Christmas card, how cute is that?  Of course, once I saw this I had to go search for more.
OK...these are stockings, but I think this is really cute, so let's just pretend they're boots, K?

There are a million more.  I had to stop from putting them all in this post.
The hubby and I just send out cards with our pictures on them.  I'm now realizing how boring this is.  We SHOULD be sending out shoe cards.  Clearly.  I'm sure the hubby would totally agree...
And speaking of shoe must be the theme for today as I sent The Bean this card this morning:
Yep. I've had this box of cards for something like 2 years now and this is the first one I've sent out.  The Bean should feel pretty darn special!


  1. The Bean will be super excited to get mail from Aunty! Cute cards but are you sure your spouse will go along with shoe cards? ME

    1. Of course he won't. But it's my blog and I'll make up stuff if I want to! :-)
