Monday, January 13, 2014

A Boots Kind of Day

I would have posted yesterday, but after hanging out with the BFF and nephew before they had to leave (and...ahem...skipping church), "working" the matinee for Mom (and by work I mean crochet as not one person came up to the counter during the movie), I spent EIGHT HOURS making a photo book from the Holidays pictures.  This should not have taken that long, but Shutterfly and I were NOT agreeing.  I finally had to concede defeat and order a sub-par (by my OCD perfectionist standards) book.  So.  Very.  Rude.

Oh well, today is a new day.  This morning Tink and I hung out until she went to preschool.  Then Laughter and I hung out with our friend who has twin boys who are 16 1/2 months old.  I know their ages, because they were born the day after the hubby and I got married, and we are still counting our marriage in months. They are so cute and so serious.  They just watch everything.  And they were boys on a mission because there was something in the dining room they were both bound and determined to get to if their mean mommy hadn't kept stopping them before they could discover whatever it was.  The whole fam had dinner together (except for the 2 sons-in-laws--apparently it was a no in-law event), and then Double A, The Bean, and Pippi and I watched Monsters University with the brother, Mom and Dad.  Now Pippi is having a sleepover.  She currently snoozing away quite contentedly in the cubby, but has informed me that she plans to join me in my bed sometime during the night.  So noted.

Apparently it was a boots kind of day:

Laughter was wearing these and got very upset when they got mud on them.  Ohhhh, the heartache of muddy winter in MT.

The Bean  didn't actually wear these today, but they are her new snowboots and I kept forgetting to get a picture.  Double A has a green pair, but I haven't see them yet.

The twins' boots.  How stinking adorable are these?  Thankfully their mommy reads the blog, so only thinks I'm slightly weird when I photograph her children's footwear.  One of the boys caught me while I was taking the picture and was less than impressed.

Tink has been wearing them this year.  You might remember them from last year when Pippi was wearing them.  Oh, also, you should click on that link because it also talks about the twins!

I wore my boots yesterday.  Clearly I did not get the memo.  I also wore black shoes today when clearly the theme was brown.  Sigh.

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