Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Sleepover Socks

The sleepover with Pippi last night was lovely.  She has always cracked me up.  She stayed in the cubby until about 6 this morning when she was cold and climbed in with me.  She said, "aaahh...yes, I can sleep in here!"   Yep, cracks me up.  We even wore fuzzy socks for the event:

The BFF gave these to me for Christmas and they are soooo snuggly.  Knee high fuzzy socks!  Now if only I wasn't so freakin hot all of the time I would wear them lots and lots and lots.  I didn't model them while wearing them because the snowflakes look bad when stretched over my calves.  Don't they go nicely with my turquoise plaid jammies?

Pippi asked if I had a pair she could wear, so she got these.  If you look, you'll see that the one on the left is on inside out.  She refused to believe me when I told her.  She also had adorable cupcake jammies.  It was a totally stylin' slumber party.

Tonight I'm headed to sleep over with Laughter and Flower.  It's tough being this popular, but someone has to do it....

1 comment:

  1. Hope you survive all your "sleep" overs. ME
