Wednesday, January 15, 2014

A Day of Drama

I had a sleepover with Flower and Laughter last night.  Those 2 crack me up.  It was a solid hour of showing off and trying to show auntie everything before they could be convinced to go to bed.  We had a lovely nest in their bedroom:

It was very cozy.  Flower slept in her bed (the tall one), I slept in Flower's bed, and Flower slept on the smaller mattress at the end.  Poor thing has a cold so she snuffled and coughed all night.  It didn't sound pleasant for her.

This morning I went out and played with the panoramic feature on my new camera.  This is the view from my sister's house (remember you can click on it if you want to see it bigger).  Yeah, she's pretty lucky in her views, my seester.

This afternoon I drove to visit  DJ.  You can't tell in the small version, but this is the view when you come around the corner and first see Flathead Lake.  It's one of my favorite views.  So of course I had to stop and play with the camera again...

...and again awhile later when the valley opens up.  See?  The mountains have snow, so it really is winter here.  I'll have to say that the lack of snow in the valley definitely made for an easier drive today.

DJ is awesome, and I'm so glad I got to see her.  She had tickets for us to see some student written, directed and acted plays, so that was fun, and I'm glad she asked if I wanted to go with her. (hence the post title.  OK, so it wasn't a whole day of drama, but the alliteration was better this way)  One of her friends from swim team was in a few of the plays.  There were 11 in all, and they were about what you would expect.  Some were funny, some were depressing, and some attempted to be deep and ended up making us say, um...huh?  But it's really great the students have a chance to do that sort of thing.  After the plays we went for coffee and then I dropped  her off at home so she could do homework and I could drive home.  Definitely too short of a visit, but at least I got to see her a little bit and catch up on what's been going on with her.

Sigh...tomorrow is my last full day here.  Should I start crying now, or wait until it's actually time to leave?

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