Friday, February 21, 2014

Good Peeps

Today was blah.  I just felt off all day.  Nothing was wrong, I actually felt pretty good physically, but I was just blah and off all day.  The hubby kept asking me what was wrong and I kept saying nothing, which was both true and not true.  A couple of weeks ago we could have passed this off as just a moody day, but now that you all know what's going on with me, we know the source of the blah-ness.  If that makes any sense.  Who knows?  Thankfully, I have fabulous friends who send me shoes to cheer me up.  First, from the Pinterest Friend:

These really should have gone in the sweaters post.  Sooo...your ankles get to be warm, but your toes don't?  I think the PF said something about these being shoes with an identity crisis.  Yep.

And these are just cute and blue and covet-able.  Excellent work, PF!

These are from a friend who is a total Disney Freak.  I can't tell if they're a pair and supposed to be slightly mismatched, or if it's one shoe from a pink pair and a blue pair.  I kind of like the mismatched idea.  These remind me of the Pink!  Blue! scene from Sleeping Beauty.

My cousin sent me this, and how fun are these planters?  Instead of giving away my shoes, I could just plant stuff in them and put them all over the yard (and then watch the hubby's head explode).

Hey, remember these?  Another friend sent this to me recently, and I like that you an actually see them on a foot.  They don't look quite so cray on, but seriously is there ANY arch support in these things?

OK, so this last one isn't shoes, but it is still from a fabulous friend helping to cheer me up.  I absolutely agree...some days it seems like it would be easier to slay the dragon.

Thanks friends.  I couldn't do any of this without you.

1 comment:

  1. That first pair is absolutely hideous. I like the planter ideas, especially the puddle boots. Plant a pair or two of hubby's for real head explosion. Unfortunately your puppies might have a field day with all those shoe planters. ME
