Thursday, February 20, 2014

Pedro and Tennies and Bears, Oh My

I've written about our bear, Pedro, before.  Actually several times, although I only put in the one link.  Pedro is awesome, and he features in lots of fun ways in our lives, which is probably weird, but we decided a long time ago that we didn't care.  He is currently dressed up for Valentine's Day:

 Yes, that is a tux he's wearing.  He wore it to our wedding.  He doesn't currently have a Valentine's outfit, but the tux seemed appropriate.  So, Pedro is the inspiration for this post, but it went in a direction I never really expected.  I typed "teddy bear shoes" into the image search.  I figured I'd get lots of cute kid stuff.  I got this:

Those aren't slippers, folks, and they aren't for kids.  Nope.  These are adult tennis shoes by Adidas.  Pink, teddy bear tennis shoes.

And they come in brown.

And Panda.

And gray.

Holy buckets, they even come in camouflage.  Clearly I need to get these for DJ since she is currently into camo.  This bear even gets a little hat.  There were more colors.  Lots of variations.  But I will just show you one more for now:

I love these colors.  The shoes are still crazy, but in a totally fun, psychedelic, cracked out kind of way.  I would wear these under my alb...

They come with a matching child's jacket!  You and your child can be matching!  (I could actually see that working in certain situations, like Halloween)

Lets clear our palates with some nice, calming baby shoes, OK?

These are really more what I was expecting.  Simple and sweet.  And for children.


  1. If you get the panda ones don't let them eat my bamboo rug, Laughter's panda slippers spent a large part of this afternoon doing just that. ME

  2. Of course they did! I love that kid.
