Sunday, March 23, 2014

Sun, Sand, and Puppies

The hubby and I took the puppies for an outing today to Folsom Lake Park.  We've been working on leash training them, and have taken them for short walks in the neighborhood, but this would be their first big excursion.  It didn't exactly start out so well as they both threw up in the car and Chalupah pooped all over my back seat.  Nothing like poo and vomit remnants baking in the car during a sunny afternoon to make for a pleasant driving experience!  After the initial hiccup, though, it was a really great afternoon.  The puppies loved being out, and everyone loved them.  We didn't walk by or near a single person who didn't stop to exclaim about how cute they are and how tiny they are and oh aren't they so sweet?  And of course they were loving it.  Every person was a friend who obviously wanted to be licked and climbed and surely must want to give them a treat, right?  Total attention whores.  They were totally cracking me up, and we had a very nice outing and walk, soaking up sunshine even while lamenting how low Folsom Lake is.  Holy buckets.  Just walking from the sidewalk to the lake took forever because it's so low.  Very sad.  But, not an overall sad day, so moving on.  Inspired by the lovely sunshine and 70 degree temps (again, very very sorry to people who woke up to snow AGAIN this morning), tonight's search was for sunshine shoes.  (this, of course, meant lots of references to Kasey and the Sunshine Band's Boogie Shoes, which is now running through my head.

These are paper, but they are so bright and summery.  They definitely say sunshine to me.  I wish they were real.

These are rather clunky, but I love the brightness of the pink and yellow together.

I'm pretty sure I can't pull these off, but they are really fun.  Can't tell if that's supposed to be a flower or a propeller, but I'm leaning toward propeller just because it's quirkier and funnier.

Oh my goodness.  So cute.  Flower and Laughter totally need these.  They would be even more adorable than they already are.

These somehow remind me of both the beach and the sun (actually sunrise or sunset).  And now I have a mash-up of Boogie Shoes and Walking on Sunshine stuck in my head.  Maybe you do, too.  If so, you're welcome.

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