Sunday, April 27, 2014

Baby Blues (And Green)

One of the couples that I married a few years ago recently had a baby boy.  I like to feel like I have a teeny tiny eensy weensy part in it when couples I've married have babies.  Yeah, total ego there, right?  Anyhoo, there was a baby.  Born in March.  Very handsome.  So I made him some booties and a hat.  Then I put them in the mail, and thought that should be the end of it.  Nope.  I have absolutely no idea where that package went.   For crying out loud, it only had to go 30 miles.  I could have walked it there faster.  After 2 or 3 weeks, I gave up hope and made a new set:

I have no idea what happened to the hat.  I know my tension is tight when I crochet, but usually if I got up 2 hook sizes from what the pattern says, I do OK.  Not this time.  That hat turned out tiny, even for a newborn.  Hopefully baby boy has a stuffed animal that can wear the hat.  His mom sent me a picture and the shoes were way too big.  Hat too small, shoes too big.  No wonder that cute little man was crying in the pictures!

If I'd known this gift was going to be this much crazy trouble I would have just bought something.  Hopefully it really is the thought that counts.

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