Saturday, April 26, 2014


The catching up continues.  I'm not going in chronological order, since I jumped from Easter, back to April 9th, and now moving forward to April 12th, which just happened to be my 39th birthday.  This is kind of where the blogging fell apart for me.  I was having a rough week for a lot of reasons, and then my birthday, while I looked forward to it and had a lovely day when it came, hit me hard.  Part of it is that it was a 9 year.  The nines always make me think back over the last decade, and since I'm fighting the depression, I tended to look only at the negatives, what I haven't accomplished, what I screwed up, etc.  Yeah, aren't you glad I didn't subject you to all of that?  But, here are a few snapshots from the past decade:  I moved from Berkeley, to Texas, back to Berkeley, to Montana, to Pennsylvania, back to Montana, back to Berkeley, back to Montana, then within Montana from Plains to Missoula, to Lodi, and finally Elk Grove.  I'm tired just remembering all of the packing and unpacking and sorting and storing.  (I've moved 26 times since starting college)  Flower and Laughter were born.  I met the hubby and got married.  I graduated from seminary.  I got ordained and received my first 2 calls. See?  When I look at it that way, it's been a pretty impressive decade, right?  But, unfortunately I had to work through the negative before I could get to here.

Since I was wallowing and didn't post on my birthday, I'll do it tonight.  I'm an Aries, so that is what is inspiring tonight's shoes.

Of course there are horoscope shoes.  Really, why should we be surprised?  Mine are the green with the ram's head.

Here is a closer look.  Dang, I'm going to have to go with no on buying Aries shoes.  SKD is also an Aries, and she loves green, but I'm not sure even she would go for these green shoes.  The rams are staring at me.

And here they are in red.  Better shoe color, still creepy.

If you would like some less strange, more fun pictures, check out last year's birthday post.  It's more fun, less angst.

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