Saturday, May 17, 2014


Today is my ordination anniversary.  On May 17, 2008 I was ordained as a pastor in the Lutheran church.  Usually I don't think a lot about it.  I acknowledge it, usually have a Facebook status about it, maybe blog about it, but I don't usually celebrate it in any formal way.  This year is different, though, and I'm struggling a bit with this day.  Today marks 6 years of my being an ordained pastor, but I haven't actually been doing "pastor-y" things in over 3 months.  I'm still ordained, yes, but I'm not currently at a church, I'm not even currently going to church, and all of my pastor stuff is packed up in boxes in the spare room (which I really need to organize so my sister and brother-in-law have a place to sleep when they get here).  I know I'm still a pastor, but today feels like a weird limbo place, and it's put me into kind of a strange mood.  The hubby may need to entertain himself today as I am total mood swing girl, going from grumpy to pensive to annoyed to whatever, all in the space of a few minutes.  Good times!  So...weird day.  Let's look at some shoes and maybe I'll feel better.

These are the actual shoes I wore for my ordination.  I still have them.  They might be the shortest pair of heels I currently own.

Here are my shoes in motion (weird motion, but still).  My mom made that skirt, and my clerical shirt that is also red and which you can't see in this picture.

And now some red shoes that I liked and thought I'd share.

By this point, you can probably pretty much guess what I would say about each shoe, so I'll leave you to your own shoe-thoughts today.

Today is also Syttende Mai, so go do something Norwegian-y.  I would recommend eating lefse or krumkake or rosettes, but that's just me.

1 comment:

  1. Can't believe it's been 6 years. That was a fun day. Love red shoes!! KMc
