Sunday, May 18, 2014

Once Upon a Time...

...there was a blogger.  A blogger who doesn't actually have a story to go with that first sentence.  But, I was thinking today how when the nieces and I tell stories, we always start with "once upon a time," just like in fairy tales.  Sometimes the story goes somewhere, and sometimes it's just silly.  After watching the movie The Croods, The Bean and I started ending all of our stories with "and then they DIED!"   (it's not as totally morbid as it sounds, if you've seen the movie, and it makes us giggle)  Before we did this, though, we found ourselves lying on the side porch at my mom's house one summer day and making up a story about her armpit, the horrible Finger that would periodically attack, and the princess who figured out how to befriend the Finger so it would stop attacking the poor land of Armpit.  Then she made me write it down, and we still have.  It's very silly.  And no one DIED!

So, all of this sent me looking for fairytale shoes.  Not Disney Princess shoes, because we've already done those, I just wanted to see what would come up if I typed in fairytale shoes.

I think these have fairy somewhere in their name.  These are definitely happily ever after for me.  Love the color combination.

Are those fairy wings?  They might be, but I prefer to think they are butterflies, because Double A loves butterflies.  Plus, they were definitely a recurring theme in the search.  I can't see myself wearing these for any reason.

But I love this one.  You can just see where it says happily ever after on the heel.  These combine books and shoes, and the color and pattern are fabulous, so why wouldn't I love it?

Wow.  These are crazy over the top.  And they have tights to match.  Want to know something crazy?  I don't hate them.  I'm not going to wear them or the tights, but these make me smile in their insanity.

See?  Another butterfly!  This is dainty and pretty, and I like it better than the first one.  But I think it's almost TOO dainty and pretty for me.  This is a combination that is rarely applied to me.

We finish where we start!  And try not to be frightened, but I like the green ones better than the blue.  I know!  It's like a sign of the apocalypse!  But I like the contrast of the green and blue.  These are cute, but they don't pop quite as much.

So, once upon a time there was a blogger who wrote a post about fairy tales and shoes.  She found interesting shoes and wrote about them.  And the she DIED!  Oh wait, no.  And then she lived happily ever after.  Yeah, I'm thinking it's going to be somewhere between those two options.

1 comment:

  1. I don't see why you can't live happily ever after if you so choose. ME
