Friday, May 16, 2014


I'm tired and would very much like to be sleeping.  Despite actually going to bed at 10:00 tonight, I just couldn't sleep.  So blogging it is.  Here are a couple things that relate to some of my recent posts.

After my post about gingham, Mom said I might like it because she used to make me gingham outfits.  She mentioned a few, but this is the only one I could find a picture of.  This is my 4th birthday.  Not only did my mom make the shirt, but she made the cake (I think that's Cinderella).  I was clearly sassy back then.

Last night's post was about wedges, and I said these reminded me of an outfit I used to have (also made by my mother), but then I found these tonight:

I think these might be closer to the material.  I wish I could find a picture of the outfit.  I'll have to look next time I'm home, because I'm just sure you all want to see it. (that was sarcasm, in case you didn't catch it)

This last picture has nothing to do with a previous post.  I present these to you because they were pinned to a board called "Weddings."  Go ahead and take a moment to ponder that wedding.

Wish me luck on the sleeping.  Of course, most of you will be reading this sometime tomorrow, so your luck will be after the fact, but maybe I can stockpile it for tomorrow night.


  1. Long sleeved brown gingham dress with an off-white brown floral print pinafore, somewhere between kindergarten and 2nd grade. ME

    1. Oh yeah! I have a vague memory now. Which shoe material do you think looks most like the other outfit?

    2. Neither is right but the pink one is closer. ME
