Tuesday, May 20, 2014


It was supposed to rain today.  At least that's what my phone told me.  But what does my phone know?  Actually, I just looked out the window and it seems to have rained about 50 drops, so I apologize to my phone.  It was cloudy all day, though, and muggy with it.  I hate muggy.  Don't get me wrong, the humidity here is nothing compared to other places.  I lived in Dallas for 3 years, so you would think I'd be used to it.  But I grew up in Montana, which basically has no humidity, so I think my body is spoiled.  At any rate, I spent a lot of the day annoyed by how sweaty my hair kept getting and cursing the humidity.  I did other stuff, too though.  Like go to Target for the second day in a row.  I went yesterday while I was running errands and got a few cleaning supplies.  When I got home I realized I had forgotten something, but figured I could pick it up today since I had to go out again.  I have no idea what that was.  I must have spent an hour wandering around Target desperately trying to figure out what the heck it was I'd forgotten.  It still hasn't come back to me.  I would like my brain cells back, please.

But enough about my faulty memory.  The Pinterest Friend recently sent me some "cloudy shoes for a cloudy day" and since today fits the bill, here we go.

Awww...cloudy baby shoes.

I actually think these are cute in a very themed way.  But hey, I like themes.  And I like blue.

Then, of course I had to go searching for more, but I have to ask myself why, because then I found these.  And these scare me.  I'm still going to try and talk the hubby into them, though, just to see the look on his face.

Much better.  And quite cute.

Speaking of cute.  How sweet are these?

I love these.  I want a pair for days like this when I'm annoyed with the clouds.

Poor one sad cloud.  What did the other clouds to do make it so sad?

Some nice, cloudy Mary Janes to round this out.  Hope your day was more happy clouds than grumpy!

1 comment:

  1. Track day produced sunburns but no rain for a change. ME
