Wednesday, May 21, 2014


Today the BSF sent me this:

Sheepies!  Why did she send me such a picture, you ask?  Well, I'll tell you.  When she and I were taking Homilectics (that's a fancy word for preaching class) in seminary, the text for my first sermon was the one where the sheep recognize their master's voice.  So there I was, nervous as hell and talking about sheep when I made a little bouncy sheep motion.  Did you know sheep were bouncy?  Anyway, it has become a silly joke with us and we make the hand gesture whenever we hear the word sheep.  Clearly this was a sign that tonight's post needed to be about sheep shoes (say that 10 times fast).

Sweet little baby sheep slippers would definitely inspire the hand motion!  I kind of want these in my size...

I don't really know what to say about these.  They're just too cutesy for me.  I guess they're sweet in a 50s nursery wallpaper sort of way, but as much as I like the style of the shoes I just can't get on board with this pattern.  And what's up with the bondage sheep?

Way more adorable.  I saw these in pink and blue, too.  Or maybe these are pink?  I thought they were red when I first saw the picture, but maybe not.  Either way, I like them.  Cute but not creepy cute.

Is it wrong that I want these?  I find them hilarious, and I would smile every time I looked at my feet.  And then do bouncy sheep motions until people thought I was crazy.  Or crazier.

OK, these are just wrong.  Seriously?  What the hell is even going on here?  I'm scared of the wedding that would involve these.

Much better.  Like a little green palate cleanser.

And we're back to the bondage sheep.  This time in a heel with a polka dot bow.  Who wears these??

I honestly like these best of the 3.  At least the spikes and the black bow make more sense, and help to balance the creepy cute bondage sheep.

Sheep Birkenstocks!  You didn't think I'd leave you with that last pair, did you?

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