Monday, May 19, 2014

Puppy Love

I have never liked dogs.  Mom says I had an encounter as a small child that scared me, and I didn't like dogs after that.  I don't like dog hair all over everything, I don't like how they lick or how they jump, I don't like dog slobber.  And yet here I sit with puppies next to me.  They jump up on me, they lick me, they sleep in the bed with us sometimes, and I have dog hair on all of my clothes.  Oh, and sometimes I break out in hives when they hang out with me.  Which makes me wonder what the hell happened to me?  I can't explain it other than the fact that I've fallen in love with the little buggers.  I'm still not fond of dogs, at least not other people's.  No offense to those other dogs, but the big ones still kind of freak me out with the jumping and licking.  I like them better than I used to, but mine are the best.  (of course).  Don't tell the hubby any of this or he will never ever let me live it down.  Ever.

Here's a little puppy love from me to you:

Now let's just be clear.  All of this mushy love stuff could just as easily go out the window if they ever decide to start chewing on my shoes.

1 comment:

  1. For their sake I hope they never discover shoes. ME
