Friday, May 23, 2014


I've been working on a project for the husband the last couple of days and despite my best efforts to go to bed early (as usual), I keep staying up just to finish up "one more" section.  It's like reading and having to finish one more chapter, except less interesting.  And yet, I. Can't. Stop.  Oy.  Must try harder tomorrow.  I have no idea how to tie shoes into this because I am tired and since it's after midnight this will end up being tomorrow's post instead of today's, even though of course it's today's because it's already today.  Yep.  But who really needs a segue that makes sense?  I typed in middle of the night shoes and got this:

I have no idea why, and I really don't care because I'm just tired enough to find this funny.  Heehee.  Good night (morning).

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