Friday, May 23, 2014

Stupid Cars

My day was going along perfectly fine, and I'd actually managed to accomplish quite a bit,  including cleaning both bathrooms (I don't know why I don't do this more often, but it's very high on my procrastination list).  I was on my way to pick up some groceries around 7:30 when I got a call from the hubby.  He was on his way to see some friends of his after work.   He stopped to get gas and when he got back in the car it wouldn't start.  3 very nice people stopped to help him, and one jumped his car, but no go.  He hoped maybe it was his key and asked me to drive up and see if mine would work.  Half an hour later and nope.  Not the key.  So we had to call a tow truck.  And we had to fight with our insurance because they were being really annoyingly unhelpful about the roadside assistance, which we pay for and which they should just shut up about and help us.  Oh well.  Long story short, we just got home.  3 hours later and I still didn't get the groceries.  At least it gave me a topic for tonight's post, though.

Of course we would have to include Tow Mater from Cars.  Sadly our tow truck did not have a face.

And the required baby shoes.  What is that truck towing, exactly?

I have no idea what is going on here.  Is it a parade float?  Whatever it is, it's weird and unattractive.

The tow trucks here are tiny but still cute.  These were actually listed as girls' shoes, which I think is awesome.

On the plus side, our tow truck driver was actually kind of cute.  (And from Idaho!)  Maybe this is wrong of me, but I was expecting what we used to have in my hometown:  Sweaty, smelly, and lots of butt crack.  Our guy added a special tough one day when it was hot but sticking paper towels in his armpits to soak up the sweat.  Classy, I tell you.

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