Saturday, June 21, 2014


You probably already know that I like strappy shoes.  If you didn't that, then hey! Guess what?  I really like strappy shoes!  Tonight as I was perusing shoes, I happened across several pairs of strappy shoes that are both similar and different.  Or something.  My brain is tired.

They're all strappy and all multi-colored, so they ARE similar.  I rather like all of them, except maybe for the last pair.  I think I would like them more if they were in different colors, and maybe not snake skin looking.  My second least favorite is the red and purple pair, although I don't hate those or anything.  They'd be great for Red Hat ladies.  I have no concluding sentence.   Did I mention that my brain is tired?


  1. The bean likes pictures 1, 2 and 4, really didn't like 2 or 6. ME

  2. Double A and Flower also like 1, 2, 4 and not 2 or 6. Flower likes 5 but AA doesn't. So there you have the nieces opinions. ME

  3. OOPS! The disliked shoe was #3 and for varying reasons. ME
