Saturday, June 14, 2014


Yesterday's post was for the mama (hi, Mom!), today's post is for her seester, Perb Aunt.  Yep.  That's what we call her.  When my first niece came along, the auntie decided she wasn't ready to be a Great Aunt, because it made her think of all my grandmother's old, Norwegian aunts at our yearly family reunions (there were approximately 40 of them, I think, all with good, proper Great Aunt names like Hilda).  Anyway, the auntie decided she would be a "superb" aunt instead.  But of course, DJ couldn't say it.  So just like I became Auntie Scary, she became Perb Aunt.  You say it like it's one word.  Perbaunt.  (and it's pronounced like "ant" in my family, she's not perbont).  OK, enough back story.  No wait, this post isn't actually about her name, but about the fact that she really likes moose.  She had a whole moose room in her house in TX, and it was very fun.  So here you go, Perb Aunt:

Sometimes it's hard to tell the difference between a moose and a reindeer on stuff like this, but the picture said moose, so we're going with it.

Moose slippers.  Even I kind of want a pair of these.

This moose actually looks a lot like one I cross-stitched for her about a million years ago.

Oh my goodness.  Why is this necessary?  They're funny, but wouldn't they really only be funny to wear once?  The heels seem wrong since if you want to make tracks it would need to be in snow or mud or something, and who wants to wear their heels in that crud?


Another awww...

And there you have it.  Mooses!

1 comment:

  1. Tooooo fun!!! Perb Aunt will love it. ME
